How we work
Uhambo's social work team, alongside our community workers, therapists and program facilitators in South Africa, implement a range of programs throughout South Africa that target the needs of children with disabilities:
- COMMUNITY SUPPORT: We offer support to individuals, families and communities, building capacity through Parent Champions and Parent Support Groups.
- STIMULATION PROGRAM: All children have the right to opportunities for learning, development and education. Through the NDINOGONA stimulation program, we use play to develop the capacity of Early Childhood Development centers (ECD's) and day care centers, special needs and inclusive schools to stimulate the learning and development of children with disabilities in the classroom.
- SEATING SERVICES: In some cases the waiting list for assistive and wheelchair devices can be as long as three years. We work with both centres and individuals to support those in urgent need of assistive devices and support skills training of repair technicians and capacity building for therapists.
- TRAINING: We run training programs for social workers, other NPOs and service providers to help them to become more disability- aware, to enable them to screen and refer children and families affected by disability to existing, appropriate local support and services.
- AWARENESS: Often invited to contribute to policy, conduct disability household surveys and develop resources for an inclusive society, Uhambo proudly lobbies for the rights of people with disabilities.
- Our programs are designed to work together partnerships in communities to create an inclusive society for all for the benefit of each child.
Children and their families do not exist in isolation. Inclusion needs to happen at all levels to be sustainable. Uhambo USA supports children with disabilities, their families and communities to bring about sustainable inclusion.
Shonaquip Social Enterprise is committed to facilitating social inclusion and support for all people with disabilities. With over 30 years experience in advocacy, training, capacity building and the manufacture of award winning mobility and specialised posture support devices, we are building inclusive and robust ecosystems through which a child with a disability, their families and communities can overcome both medical and social barriers to inclusion. Visit to find out more.